

Massage Services

25min 25 €

The 25min massage treatment provides just enough time to treat a single muscle or to quickly release tension in the neck.

55min 60€

55min are long enough to treat for example the legs, or the whole back including the neck, however, not long enough to also treat single muscles extensively during this general massage.

90min 90€

The 90min massage treatment, however, provides enough time to treat the legs or the whole back and also gives time to focus on individual muscles longer.

105min 105€

Now the 105min massage is long enough to treat the whole body from top to toe, front and back, without focusing on individual muscles longer.

120min 120€

And finally the 120min massage treatment is the way to pamper the whole body. Long enough to treat front and back, from the feet to the head, including the possibility to pay attention to specific muscles or muscle groups.

Muscles of mastication treatment 55min 75€

This treatment session is focusing only on the muscles of mastication and the  upper neck. Releasing the muscles of mastication and the upper neck will improve sleep. This treatment is especially recommended for people who are grinding and biting their teeth during their sleep.

Sport Services

Functional Training

The Functional Training sessions train the muscles of the body to perform tasks in daily life. The sessions develop muscle strength in the whole body in a functional and balanced way, using multi-joint exercises, and mainly one’s own body weight.

  • Private session 75€/h
  • Small group session 15€/h per person (min 4/max 6)

Sport Training

Sport Training sessions utilize different movement methods, and equipment such as rubber bands, kettlebells, small weights, own body weight as well as outdoor training equipment.

  • Private session 75€/h
  • Small group session 15€/h per person (min 4/max 6)

Mobility Training

The Mobility Training sessions focus on joint health. Gentle movements take the joints of the whole body through their full range of movement (ROM). Mobility training helps manage imbalances in the body as well as reduce the risk of injury.

  • Private session 75€/h
  • Small group session 15€/h per person (min 4/max 6)

K-taping with massage 5€
K-taping without massage 15€
Sport taping 15€

All prices plus VAT where applicable. Payment of treatments through invoicing to clients e-mail.

Full costs will be charged, if cancelling a treatment/training session within 24h or less of the appointment.